My First 5 k

I am very proud to say that I ran my first 5K last Saturday March 6, 2010. All week prior to the run I had been so nervous. I kept imagining what the path would look like. Would I be going up hill or down hill. Would I fall down and get injured or pull a muscle. These thoughts ran through my head all week.

I had decided on friday that I had only one goal that I wanted to achieve during the race which was to run the entire race. Now let me first say I did not sprint nor did I run very fast but I never gave up I kept jogging along. The first lap was the easiest and then slowly my time kept increasing and it became a bit harder on my legs.Each mile I became more confident that I was going to run the entire 5k.

Before we ran we had a guest speaker come out to the race. The woman who won 1st place for the BE A LOSER competition in 2009. She looked Fantastic. She was sharing momments from her experience last year and also gave some great motivating quotes. One Piece of advice that stuck with me was that during the run she took time to reflect back on what got her to this point. I thought about this throughout the 3.1 miles. I was thinking about how far I have come and where I want to go. I also took time to think about what I was thankful for and how great it was going to feel to finish this race. In the last 2 minutes I sprinted for the finish line. Once I crossed the line I was completely out of breath and trying to catch it. After a few minutes my breathing returned to normal. I took a momment to think about what I had just accomplished. This 3.2 run was a great milestone in the long process that lies ahead.

I recommend it to anyone. Some of the contestants ran and walked and some ran the whole time. Reguardless of how they chose to execute this race we all shared one thing in common.. we all completed 3.1 miles together.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you "D"! Keep up the great work girlfriend.
